CosMediTour made my holiday stress free and relaxing!

Breast Augmentation CosMediTour

“Going through with CosMediTour was the best decision I have made. The whole process was made incredibly easy by my client manager. Couldn’t fault anything. Was well updated on invoices, payments, exchange rates, specific packages and recommendations with doctors, hotels and hospitals. Always kept in touch through the process prior to booking and arriving back in Australia.

CosMediTour made my holiday stress free and relaxing. Would definitely recommend CosMediTour to my friends and family. Such a wonderful and exciting experience!

Phuket International Hospital was lovely. Very clean and beautiful. All staff including the nurses were very caring throughout the whole process. Always checking on me through the night and making sure I have made the right decisions with sizes and placement. Glad we had the free wifi to talk to family and friends back home. Food was a small issue, wasn’t sure what I was eating. Other than this, everything ran smoothly and I definitely would recommend my friends coming to Phuket.

Thank you Thank you Thank you!! Best experience I have done!” 

– Gabrielle

Procedure: Breast Augmentation
Hospital: Phuket Plastic Surgery Institute
Surgeon: Dr Veerawat
Surgery Details: 350cc Right, 400cc Left, High Profile, Round Implants, Dual Plane, Under the Breast Fold