Thailand Plastic Surgery
Arm Lift Frequently Asked Questions
Excess upper arm tissue develops when the skin loses its ability to ‘bounce back’ or retract. This can be a result of significant weight loss or gain, genetics, or a reduction of elastin and collagen that causes the skin to lose its elasticity—a natural part of the ageing process. An Arm Lift, or Brachioplasty, is a procedure designed to reshape the contour of the upper arm. It can correct ptosis (sagging), reduce fat pockets, tighten underlying tissue, and improve arm function. If you’re planning an Arm Lift, or just want to get fully informed about the procedure, read our FAQs below.

An Arm Lift is a procedure designed to remove and tighten the loose skin that hangs from under the arms. This condition is sometimes referred to as ‘Bat Wings’ or ‘Tuck Shop Lady Arms’. If you suffer from this, our expert Plastic Surgeons can use a range of techniques to reduce, remove and tighten excess skin, fat, or both.
Yes. Arm Lift types include Full Arm Lift, Mini Arm Lift, and Liposuction Only Arm Lift. Your Plastic Surgeon will select which type of Arm Lift to perform based on the amount and type of tissue to be removed (fat, skin, or both).
Excess upper arm tissue develops when the skin loses its ability to ‘bounce back’ or retract. This can be a result of significant weight change (loss or gain), genetics, or a reduction of elastin and collagen that causes the skin to lose its elasticity (a natural part of the ageing process).
Arm Lift surgery takes approximately 3 hours to complete. This can vary based on the complexity of your procedure. Your Plastic Surgeon will advise you of the actual timing of your surgery during consultations.
There are a range of techniques that can be used to perform an Arm Lift. Typically, Full Arm Lift incisions are made on either the inside or back of the arm. These extend from the underarm to just above the elbow. In cases of extended excess tissue, Surgeons may incorporate a Fish-Incision technique, which involves an additional incision from the underarm, along the chest wall. Mini Arm Lifts are performed with the Crescent Incision technique, placed under the arm. Liposuction can be used in conjunction with these techniques or as a stand-alone approach.
No. Clients must not sleep on their side or stomach for at least 3 weeks after Arm Lift surgery. Instead, sleeping must be done on your back, with the arms elevated on pillows.
You’ll be able to lift your arms freely again after about 4 weeks post-surgery. While, in the first few days, the arms need to stay elevated, this means ‘propped up’, not ‘lifted’ in a way that would strain them. Movement must be restricted as much as possible during the initial recovery phase. Your Plastic Surgeon will discuss your personal post-operative timeline and care practices with you during consultations.
Yes, you do. Wearing a compression style, post-surgery support garment will aid with the management of swelling, healing of your incisions, and contribute to your overall Arm Lift results. Plastic Surgeons typically recommend clients wear this garment for 6 weeks. You will receive specific, personalised advice about your recovery during your consultations.
Light activities, like walking, can recommence in the first week after surgery. Generally, though, strenuous activity, heavy lifting, and swimming must be avoided for at least 6 weeks. Recovery time can vary based on your anatomy and the complexity of your procedure. As with all aspects of your Arm Lift journey, your Plastic Surgeon will advise when it’s safe for you to resume exercise.
Clients experience pain differently. Some may feel mild discomfort after surgery, while others will find the pain more severe. Your Plastic Surgeon will provide you with personalised advice on how to manage your pain after your Arm Lift procedure. Pain relief medication can be prescribed as required.
All clients heal at different rates but, typically, clients can return to work with 2 weeks of Arm Lift surgery. By 6 weeks, most clients can resume normal activities, though their compression garments will still need to be worn. As with all aspects of your journey, your Surgeon will provide you with personalised advice on post-operative care and when it’s safe for you to return to work.
Scarring from Arm Lift incisions look like raised lines on the front-facing or back facing portion of the arm. Initially, these scars are red and raised, but they will fade and flatten over time. Our leading Plastic Surgeons use proven techniques to minimise scarring and will provide advice on how you can further reduce the appearance through post-surgery care.
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