What To Do When You’re Isolating at Home!

Hearing the word COVID-19 is enough to make anyone want to stay at home, if you’re in isolation at home and running out of things to do, you’re not alone! If you’ve binge-watched every series on Netflix, read every book in the house and now you’re down to reading the junk mail catalogues, we’ve got you! Here are some ideas on what to do next whilst in isolation:

Vision Boarding – By visualising your dreams, goals and how you want to feel daily, it allows you to bring them to life. According to the law of attraction philosophy, what you think, you become and energy flows, where attention goes – with this in mind visualisation is one of the most powerful daily mind exercises you can do.

If you’re wondering how to create a vision board? You can utilise old magazines, cut out the clippings that bring you joy, inspire and motivate you to be a better you! If you need some inspiration, visit the aesthetically pleasing world of Jasmine Dowling here where she shares a detailed video lesson on vision boarding.

Meditation – Learning how to practice meditation may have been on your things to learn list for the last few years, and there’s a reason why it’s included within the daily routine of many celebrities and successful people from all over the world. Luckily, we stumbled across the Bloom app, the Bloom app is a wellness app which provides you with tools to help you sleep better, reduce your stress levels and live a more relaxed lifestyle.

Book A FREE CosMediTour Video Consultation – During this time we are offering FREE video consultations from the comfort of your own home to new clients! All you need is a video compatible laptop or phone, to secure a time VISIT CosMediTour website here

DIY Medi – Pedi – Nail and beauty shops are now included within the Government ban to control COVID-19 and therefore you will need to teach yourself how to Mani and Pedi STAT – though on a positive note you’ll save some money! We hope you were paying attention when you last got your nails done if not this 11 Step Guide to Give Yourself The Best At Home DIY Mani-Pedi at Home is a much-needed saviour!

Yoga – Included within the Government ban in controlling the spread of COVID-19 is Yoga studios all over Australia, which have been forced to close. Let’s be honest, Scomo we get it, but the stress levels are pretty high right now and we’ve never needed a Yin Yoga class so bad! Our friends at Boheme & Body Yoga on the Gold Coast have come to the stress-cue and are currently offering FREE daily virtual 1-hour flow yoga via their Instagram @bohemeandbody

Clean Your Home – Your home is your sanctuary and at the moment maybe even your office, gym and favourite watering hole. You may find yourself spending more time in your home than ever before! Therefore, now is the best time to give your home a fresh change of season clean, for that instant mood boost, motivation and much needed clarity. Whilst you’re there, why not move the furniture around to give a room a whole new outlook!

Journaling  – If you’re in iso (the new hipster term for isolation) alone, become your own best friend with some good ol’ self-love journaling. Write down what you’re grateful for, how you’re feeling and your goals for the future.

Heart-Baker – Get your apron ready and prepare the kitchen, it’s time to BAKE! One of our go-to baking favourites is Banana Bread, though beware you might have the neighbours knocking at your door when they smell it baking and group gatherings are not allowed right now! Our go-to Banana Bread recipe can be found here.

Get Organised – Get up to date on the life admin you’ve been putting off for the past few months, do your budget, file those documents, write a list of things to do, put your goals on paper and you’ll be feeling your best you in no time!

Clean Yo Fridge – Our fridges and freezers do a pretty good job at keeping our favourite wine chilled and ice cubes frozen and there really isn’t a better time to clean out your fridge than now! Did you know that numerous bacteria can be found in your fridge and freezer? A recent study found that 7 out of 10 fridges may contain harmful bacteria, these bacteria can cause a variety of illnesses and infections, including sepsis, respiratory and urinary infections.

Okay, now you’re pretty grossed out and your date with Netflix is cancelled and the big fridge clean is about to begin! Firstly, chuck on a pair of gloves and get rid of the soggy two-month-old zucchinis from the crisper. Next, take out the shelves, drawers and door racks, clean thoroughly with warm, soapy water. Lastly, wipe down the inside of the fridge with warm, soapy water and voila you can get back to your date with Netflix!

Nourish – Acai berries are rich in antioxidants and taste Ah-mazing! Nourish your body by enjoying a DIY Acai bowl any time of the day. You can find lots of delicious Acai bowl recipes here.

Move – Start the day with a workout and get the endorphins pumping through your body! Some of our favourite health and fitness brands offering free workouts include Cali Fuller Fit and Keep It Cleaner.

Awaken Your Senses – The way a space smells can affect your mood and with smell being the most sensitive of the senses. Now is the best time to burn your favourite candle and infuse those essential oils, to instantly brighten your day and your space.

Saturday Night – Get the girl gang virtually together by jumping onto the Houseparty app and enjoy a quaran-tini in style, within the comfort of your home! You can download the Houseparty app here.

Get Your Green Thumb Gardening – There has never been a better time to get out in the sunshine and build a veggie garden in your backyard, so get your partner off the couch and get your hands dirty together! You can find a step by step guide to building a raised veggie garden here. If you’re renting VegePod might be for you, you can visit their website here.

DIY Pottery – Get your hands dirty with a DIY pottery kit by Crockd. If you’re a Gold Coast local Crockd deliver their clay kits right to your front door, therefore no need to leave the house or break your quarantine! Included within the kits are a set of super easy instructions, clay, carving tools + more.

Immune Booster – There has never been a better time to make a green smoothie, a freshly squeezed orange, lemon and ginger juice or an immune boosting lemon tea tonic! Green vegetables and citrus fruits are filled with immune-boosting Vitamin C and Vitamin B. Juices and smoothies containing these nutrients have been proven to rid the body of nasties and boost the immune system. Get some inspiration about what to put into your smoothie here.

Disclaimer: Please note any information provided should be used only as an information guide and not CosMediTour giving advice. Please ensure you do your own valid surgery research and seek advice from a general practitioner to enable you to be fully informed about surgery.

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