Should You Consider Weight Loss Surgery?

CosMediTour is offering a new weight loss surgery — is it right for you?

Weight loss can be a very tricky thing for so many people. It can be hard to find something that really works for you or even works at all. Out of all your options, here are some reasons why you might want to consider getting weight loss or gastric sleeve surgery to help you lose weight and stay on top of a healthy body, mind and lifestyle.

What Is Gastric Sleeve Surgery? What is Weight Loss Surgery?

Gastric sleeve surgery (or a sleeve gastrectomy) is also known as weight loss surgery. It involves a permanent reduction in the size of the stomach and thereby making you feel fuller more quickly. This in turn helps you to reduce portion sizes and thereby lose weight over time. On average, those who choose to undergo a weight loss surgery can expect a weight loss of between 50% and 70% of their excess weight. The procedure is performed by one of our highly skilled and trusted Plastic Surgeons and has a total recovery time of up to 12 months. 

How Else Can Gastric Sleeve Surgery Help You?

Gastric sleeve surgery has several other benefits to your body beyond weight loss. While there are many more health benefits to weight loss surgery than can be simply listed, many of the key points can be discussed at a free consultation with your Plastic Surgeon in Thailand before the operation. Gastric sleeve surgery can help to drastically reduce the risk of weight-related health issues such as heart disease and type 2 diabetes. It can help to ease high blood pressure and  also lead to a healthier and more active lifestyle. 

What You Should Know Beforehand.

Gastric sleeve surgery is recommended for those with a BMI between 32 and 50. This weight loss surgery is not a one-stop-shop for losing weight though. After surgery, you will still have to make lifestyle adjustments to maintain a healthy diet and figure; however, this procedure will help to make those changes far easier. There are several other factors that will be discussed with your Plastic surgeon before the surgery, including how to manage your diet post-procedure.

If you are looking to lose weight and all the “5 easy steps to weight loss” seem to be failing you, weight loss surgery could be the solution you didn’t know you’ve been searching for. For more information about weight loss surgery, feel free to contact us today.


Disclaimer: Please note any information provided should be used only as an information guide and not CosMediTour giving advice. Please ensure you do your own valid surgery research and seek advice from a general practitioner to enable you to be fully informed about surgery.

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