Dissolvable Stitches and What You Need to Know!

What are Dissolvable Stitches?

Dissolvable stitches (absorbable sutures) are made of ingredients that absorb readily into the tissue and are used to close many types of surgical procedure incisions. These types of stitches are very safe to use and are designed to dissipate on their own, over time.

It is not uncommon for our immune system to treat dissolvable stitches as foreign objects that don’t belong, generating an inflammatory response to dissolve or reject the stitches.

How Long Do The Stitches Take To Dissolve?

The timeframe can vary from a few days to (in some cases) a few months. Several factors that can determine the amount of time it takes for dissolvable stitches to break down and disappear, which include:

  • Your body and it’s unique healing ability
  • The type of surgical procedure
  • The material type of dissolvable stitches
  • The size of the suture used to close the incision

What To Do if You See a Loose Dissolvable Stitch?

It’s not unusual for a dissolvable stitch to poke out from under the skin before it has completely dissolved. Unless the wound has opened, it is bleeding or showing signs of infection, this is not a cause for alarm and they should be left alone.

Signs of infection may include:

  • Warm to touch
  • Redness
  • Swelling
  • Oozing of pus
  • Fever
  • Pain

It is very important not to remove a dissolvable stitch on your own, if you have any concerns about a dissolvable stitch, email your CosMediTour Client Manager a photo for review and guidance. We may also suggest you visit your GP who can safely remove or trim the loose dissolvable stitch, although in some cases it will heal on its own.

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Disclaimer: Please note any information provided should be used only as an information guide and not CosMediTour giving advice. Do your own valid surgery research and seek advice from a general practitioner to enable you to be fully informed about surgery. CosMediTour Surgery Terms & Conditions apply.

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