Am I a suitable candidate for a Tummy Tuck?

What is a Tummy Tuck?

Tummy Tuck (or Abdominoplasty) surgery is a common choice for those who are unhappy with their abdominal area and feel self-conscious about loose, sagging skin or excess tissue around the midsection. Women who have had their stomach and abdominal muscles stretched during pregnancy, as well as individuals who’ve shed a significant amount of weight, are typically the most common candidates. Sometimes, no matter how strict your diet or how intense your workouts are, that stubborn overhang—fondly referred to as a “muffin top”—just won’t budge. In these cases, Tummy Tuck surgery could be the perfect way to achieve a smoother, flatter stomach.

Tummy Tuck surgery involves removing excess skin from the middle and lower abdomen, repositioning the belly button, and in some cases, repairing the abdominal muscles. It can dramatically enhance your appearance, but it’s not for everyone! This procedure works best for relatively healthy, non-smoking individuals and isn’t a weight-loss solution. Think of your Tummy Tuck as the icing on the cake or the cherry on top of your weight loss journey or Mummy Makeover transformation.


Ideal candidates for a Tummy Tuck:

  • Individuals who have experienced significant weight loss and are left with excess, sagging skin;
  • Women post-pregnancy who are not planning on any more children;
  • Have a BMI under 28;
  • You are physically, medically and mentally healthy;
  • Have no medical issues;
  • You have maintained your current weight/lifestyle for a minimum of 6 months.

candidates for a Tummy Tuck

  • If your BMI is over 28;
  • If you are overweight;
  • You have bad health – regular or heavy smoker/drinker;
  • If you have a large amount of fat still to lose from your abdomen area;
  • Women who are planning on having more children;
  • If you cannot introduce a healthy lifestyle before and after surgery;
  • If you are planning on losing further weight (this should be done before surgery).

If you are required to lose weight before your Tummy Tuck:

A common reason individuals may not be eligible for Tummy Tuck surgery is being overweight. It’s essential to understand that a Tummy Tuck is not a substitute for weight loss. If you are carrying extra weight or have a significant amount of intra-abdominal fat surrounding your internal organs, you may need to lose weight before considering the procedure.

If you aren’t accepted for surgery due to your weight, don’t be discouraged! Instead, view this as an opportunity to focus on your health through diet and exercise. By reducing excess fat in your abdominal area, you’ll maximise the amount of skin that can be removed, resulting in even better surgery outcomes. Additionally, clients who engage in regular exercise before surgery tend to experience a smoother recovery compared to those who don’t.

Here are some simple tips for weight loss prior to surgery:

1. Set your goal weight and a weight loss timeline;
2. Create a healthy eating plan (either by PT or nutritionist);
3. Create an exercise routine – even just a 30-40 minute brisk walk every morning is a great start;
4. Record your progress each week with a partner or friend.


Tummy Tuck Surgery & Pregnancy

Before proceeding with Tummy Tuck surgery, it’s crucial to ask yourself: Do you plan on having more children in the future? This is an important consideration, as pregnancy can affect the results of your Tummy Tuck and may lead to the need for revision surgery. We strongly recommend waiting until you’ve completed your family before undergoing the procedure.

Another key factor to think about is your recovery period. If you have young children, you’ll need help caring for them and managing household tasks. It will be difficult to take care of your family on your own during recovery without risking your health and the success of your surgery.

Realistic expectations about your Tummy Tuck

Who wouldn’t love sculpted six-pack abs? However, those who achieve that chiseled look have done so through dedication to diet and exercise—not surgery.

It’s important to recognise that your lifestyle and eating habits directly impact your body weight (along with factors like pregnancy). While a Tummy Tuck can tighten your abdominal muscles and enhance your stomach’s appearance, the results won’t last if you revert to unhealthy habits or plan to lose more weight after surgery. Both of these factors can negatively affect your outcomes, making the procedure less worthwhile in the long run.

This is your body

Many of our clients experience a boost in self-esteem and confidence after surgery, but this comes after months, if not years, of careful consideration, research, and dedication to preparation. If you believe this could enhance your confidence and overall quality of life, take the time to do your research and get a head start by adopting a healthy lifestyle now!

Click here to learn more about Tummy Tuck (abdominoplasty) surgery.

Further Reading:

Disclaimer: Please note any information provided should be used only as an information guide and not CosMediTour giving advice. Please ensure you do your own valid surgery research and seek advice from a general practitioner to enable you to be fully informed about surgery.

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